October 30
6:30 pm
8:30 pm
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6:30 — Call to order, deltas, loose ends; attendance in the chat
- How to communicate with non TF members
6:40 — Brief announcements
7:00 — Viability Assessment overview presentation and discussion
- What are unique aspects OCF that are relevant Viability Assessment
- Spatial scale
- OCF-wide, LUMP units, forest treatment sites, trees
- Things may get worse before better
- Complete shift-in ecosystem type likely
- Temporal scale/range for response planning
- 5-10 years; 10-20 years; 20-40 years
7:15 — Discuss potential KEAs and Indicators: examples (KEA- indicators
- Emerald Ash Borer- Distance from Fair, Detected on site, other measures?
- Forest type- Conifer, ash-dominated hardwood, Oak/camas prairie, other measures?
- Canopy/Forest Cover- % tree cover, % Oregon Ash cover, % dead tree cover, other measures?
- Tree composition- Total stems per acre (by size class), Oregon Ash stems per acre
- (by size class), other measures
- Legacy trees- Oregon Ash (location, DBH, shade, condition), Non-Ash (species, location, DBH, shade, condition), other measures?
- Understory- see ‘tree composition’ for saplings and other; Downed wood (metric?), priority plant species,
- Other KEAs- Soil, elevation/flooding, breeding birds, public access
8:00 — Wrap up KEAs and next steps
8:20 — Plus Delta
8:30 — Adjourn