This meeting is a Hybrid with the in person meeting at Growers Market located at 4th and Willamette in Eugene. You can also Zoom the meeting.
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Meeting ID: 856 1099 7917
Passcode: 42024
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• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 856 1099 7917
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Approval of Minutes
Attendance Corrections
Add Cindy, RoseLynn
Thomas note
Coordinator Selection
This is a list of the people who held the position in 2023.
Anyone is welcome to volunteer for these positions, or to shadow for these positions, just let us know.
If you are listed here as Coordinator, please let us know either at the meeting or beforehand whether or not you are interested in continuing in your current position. And if you are actively seeking a shadow in hopes of training someone for the job, please let us know that also.