Welcome to the Food Booth Town Hall!
Please feel free to enter the meeting as early as 12:00 PM Pacific Time to settle in.
Today, the Food Committee will be discussing/presenting:
• 2021 events scenarios
• Winery event possibilities
• Virtual Fair
• Diversity
• Site Report
• Q & A
To attend, use the Zoom invitation below.
*Note: If you have never used Zoom, we suggest that you download the application before clicking the link to save time. If you wait till the meeting to click the link, the application will download, but it will take time, which could lead to your missing some of the meeting. If you would rather not connect via video, feel free to call-in instead by “finding your local phone number” in the invite.
To download Zoom in advance (if you have never attended a Zoom meeting before):
Oregon Country Fair is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting
Topic: OCF Food Booth Town Hall
Time: Feb 28, 2021 1:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
(Please feel free to enter the meeting as early as 12:00 PM Pacific Time to settle in)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 924 1560 8572
Passcode: 424656
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Meeting ID: 924 1560 8572
Passcode: 424656
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acCTdw8Kyd