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Fair Office Closed
The Fair office in Eugene is currently closed for maintenance. We will re-open on Monday September 23 at 10am. Fair staff will be working from home during this time and will be monitoring and responding to messages remotely.
Emerald Ash Borer Task Force Meeting
The agenda will be available at a later time or at the meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86985893029?pwd=EYvBUOz69bAtPajV3Evfp9iTLAaNvm.1 Meeting ID: 869 8589 3029Passcode: 430046 --- One tap mobile +17193594580,,86985893029#,,,,*430046# US+12532050468,,86985893029#,,,,*430046# US Dial by your location Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kbVW2vqNs5