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Elders Committee Meeting
This will be a Hybrid meeting. You can join in person at the Fair office or with Zoom. Please join Zoom Meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82731767065 Meeting ID: […]
EAB Task Force Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86338359496?pwd=WmdUxa8A0aCgorufrrbW32DrcflZ8Y.1 Meeting ID: 863 3835 9496 Passcode: 082075 --- One tap mobile +13462487799,,86338359496#,,,,*082075# US (Houston) +16694449171,,86338359496#,,,,*082075# US Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/keLGmOwmI --- Dial by your location