2023 Work In Progress

Progressive Solutions Policy Final 2-2-23

Progressive Solutions Website Preamble and Process Summary 2-16-23

2022 Summaries

December 2022

Hello Fair Family!

Here is a link to the recording of the December 8th meeting:


Hello Fair Family!

Fair Care has been working for the last several months on a Board mandated Progressive Solutions policy to replace our current Grievance policy.  We have met with the Back-up Managers, the Board of Directors and now we are scheduled to meet with the membership on December 8th, 2022, 6p-8p.  Input from the Fair Family is extremely important to help shape a policy that works for everyone.  Here is the link to the current draft policy and the definitions that were developed as part of the current Grievance policy.

We hope to see you this Thursday on Zoom!

Be well,

The Fair Care Work Group – Lily Harmon-Gross, Robbi Lira Rivero, Sara Rich, Meg Caskey, Martha Evans and Louis Lozada

2020 Summaries

November 2020 

Hi Fair Family!

We are so excited to announce we have a brand new Grievance Administrator, Dr. Barbara Short. Barbara has worked as a teacher, principal and Superintendent in multiple school districts, with strong process improvement and restorative practice experience. Dr. Short has also served as a Board Chair for a co-op, and currently works in pre-post security. We can’t wait to start working with her! We also held 2 stakeholder input sessions with the Board and the Management Team in regards to an updated Grievance process, and are developing the third public stakeholder session we hope to hold for the entire family to take part in early 2021. 

October 2020

Hi Fair Family!

We have started stakeholder input sessions now that we are close to having some updated processes and documents for Fair Family to respond to. We’ve been working with Kat, our outgoing Grievance Administrator, to recruit and vet a new Grievance Admin. Keep an eye out for more info about Fair Family stakeholder listening sessions and the Grievance Administrator transition process coming up soon.

September 2020

Hi Fair Family!

We have successfully integrated Chip and Dave into our workflow. It’s been great having them. We are finalizing the recruiting plan for a new Grievance Administrator, working on plans for stakeholder input now that we are close to having some updated processes and documents for Fair Family to respond to. Keep an eye out for more info about the Grievance Administrator recruiting process, and Fair Family stakeholder listening sessions coming up soon.

August 2020

Hi Fair Family! 

We have two new members! A very warm welcome to Chip and Dave from CEDAR. We look forward to collaborating and thank you for participating. Our wonderful Grievance Administrator Kat has decided to retire from her position. Fair CARE will be recruiting for this position in the coming months, so please keep your eyes peeled! We look forward to incorporating this individual’s vision into our efforts to revise and re envision the current Grievance process into one that incorporates restorative justice and more. 

July 2020

Hi Fair Family!

Significant progress has been made towards weaving together our efforts with the existing grievance/mediation processes and the conflict resolution resources we’ve put together. We look forward to reaching out to our fair family in the next quarter for your input to ensure our processes are meeting the collective needs. 

June 2020 

Hi Fair Family!

Fair CARE has spent our time working through different methods our Family can use to engage our conflict resolution process. We want to ensure the process is easy and accessible. Stay tuned for opportunities in the not too distant future for Fair Family to participate in a stakeholdering process. We hope to engage with you soon!

May 2020

Hi Fair Family!

Fair CARE met through May 2020 and has made progress on several difficult items. We are continuing our work regarding resolving conflicts, now focusing on the logistics. We have also started our work on how to get the word out, including to our social media communities. Next, we plan to start working on the Code of Conduct and Community Agreement. It’s important for all to remember the Code of Conduct applies online. It’s been a busy month and we’re excited about the future!

April 2020

Hi Fair Family!

Fair CARE met through April 2020, and had very productive meetings. We are currently discussing good ways our family can resolve conflict with each other – what resources are currently available, what resources we might need to develop, and how to get the word out when we do. We’ll also take a look at current processes and investigate if they meet our current needs as an organization. Our steps forward will include gathering information from subject matter experts, collaboration in smaller break out groups, and reporting back to the larger committee. 

If you have questions or input for us, please email us at [email protected]

First Three Meetings

Hi Fair Family!

Fair CARE, formerly the Behavioral Standards Working Group, has met three times now, and we couldn’t be more excited about our work. 

The members of this group are: 

Emma Raven, Crystalyn Frank, Brad Lerch, Travis Southworth-Neumeyer, Wally Bomgaars, Sarah Garcia, Zak Schwartz, Kaivalya (Kai) Chotard, Lily Harmon-Gross, Robbi Bauer-Constant

Within this working group, we have varied Fair Family represented from booth family, coordinators, BUMs, Board, and paid staff, including individuals with experience in healthcare, decades of public and private HR, contract, security work, small business, and more.  

So far we’ve talked about:

  • The need for a name that fits both our mission as a working group and Fair values. We settled on Fair CARE, with CARE standing for Communication Accountability Respect Equity for now, with the recognition that backronyms and flexonyms are fun. 
  • Topics to be discussed, goals for the group, and priorities
  • Wanting tools and structure for all to use when communicating with each other when times are difficult or when we need to resolve conflict
  • Wanting to work on a set of volunteer support tools to better empower us all to collaborate
  • The desire to communicate with Fair Family regularly about the work we’re doing
  • The desire to solicit feedback from Fair Family
  • Meeting weekly, prioritizing this work, and recognizing this is a large task
  • We’ve started reviewing the Code of Conduct, and the Community Agreement. 
  • Our discussions have touched on conduct at Fair and in the Fair community outside of our Event, and a social media policy.

Stay tuned for more from us! If you have questions or input for us, please email us at [email protected]