May 20 , 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
The Board will meet remotely via Zoom and the meeting will be available for viewing on a YouTube live stream.
Please only join Zoom if you want a chance to speak during member input, otherwise, view the meeting at YouTube. (click appropriate button below)
*Scroll down for agenda*
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 845 0414 0237
Passcode: 251941
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Meeting ID: 845 0414 0237
Passcode: 251941
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Agenda – review, amend, approve
Membership Comments
Please understand that this meeting will have a very limited time for both member and Board input. We would like to read your comments before the meeting. Please consider submitting your input on the motion to [email protected], so that the Board is able to consider your points before the meeting. Because of the nature of this meeting, we will be allowing only 30 seconds of input per person at the meeting.
Old Business
- Amend the Vaccine Policy for the 2022 Event
- OCF will require all members, volunteers, artists, crafters, performers and vendors, as well as their accompanying children and teens, to provide proof of full COVID-19 vaccination status, as defined by the CDC. This includes everyone attending with a worker day pass, SO pass, VIP pass, and trade pass. Per CDC guidelines, children four years of age and under are not required to be vaccinated.
- Link to document explaining the recommended changes:
COVID Safety Plan Update Motion – Final with Introduction 5-12-22
Meeting Evaluation – last round for the good of the peach
Next Board Meeting – Monday, June 6, 2022, at 7pm
President’s Peace