The Board will meet in person at Alice’s Fire Pit. There will not be a Zoom link for attendance. We will not have a livestream of this meeting.



Minutes – June 3rd, 2024

Agenda – Review, amend, approve

Membership Comments

Staff Report

  • Executive Director’s Report

Treasurers’ Reports / Budget Items

Committees, Work Group Reports

  • Receive all submitted committee reports and approved minutes listed in the agenda as read: 1) Elders Committee 5-23-24; 2) Energy Park Meeting 5-7-24; 3) Energy Park Meeting 5-19-24; 4) Energy Park Minutes 6-9-24; 5) Food Committee Meeting 4-23-24.

Please submit all Committee Meeting Minutes in writing by Tuesday the week before the Board meeting. Please only submit approved minutes. Email them to: [email protected] for the .net site and Board Packet.

Old Business

  • Clarify the effective beginning of terms of newly-elected Directors (John Alexander, George Braddock, Paxton Hoag, Kevin Levy, Lisa Parker, Sue Theolass, and Teresa Vaughn)
  • Change the petition signature requirement from a hard number to a percentage of members voting in the last election (John Alexander, George Braddock, Paxton Hoag, Kevin Levy, Lisa Parker, Sue Theolass, and Teresa Vaughn)
  • Update goal of being a Carbon Neutral Event by the year 2030 (Lisa Parker, Sandra Bauer, Sue Theolass, AJ Jackson, John Alexander and Teresa Vaughn)

New Business

  • Establish a minimum age for OCF membership (John Alexander, George Braddock, Paxton Hoag, Kevin Levy, Lisa Parker, Sue Theolass, and Teresa Vaughn) – Tabled at June 2024 Board meeting until August 2024 Board Meeting
  • Process to keep committees in good standing (Sandra Bauer, Teresa Vaughn, Paxton Hoag, AJ Jackson and Arna Shaw) – Tabled at June 2024 Board meeting until August 2024 Board meeting
  • Appoint Aaron Moffet and Jill Carter to Food Committee (Sue Theolass, Paxton Hoag and AJ Jackson)
  • Appoint Glenn Dolphin to LUMP Committee (Sue Theolass, Paxton Hoag and George Braddock)

Meeting Evaluation â€“ last round for the good of the peach

June-Ly Board Meeting – Monday, August 5th, 2024, 7pm via Zoom

President’s Peace