Nov 8, 2020
4:30 pm
6:00 pm
In October the OCF Board directed us to come up with potential events/activities for 2021 if we cannot have our traditional 3 day Fair next summer. We’ve been working on the concepts and are ready to gather general information and options for possible events – both on our land in Veneta as well as in Eugene.
Whatever form this takes we know it will take all of
US! Your help and vision is paramount in this process! Please join us on Sunday, November 8th, from 4:30 to 6:00pm where we will present the concepts we have so far and then go into breakout groups to discuss them in more detail. Then we’ll come back from the breakout groups to report our findings to the all participants in the meeting and hear your brilliant ideas as well!
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If you are unable to attend on Sunday, but you want to provide feedback, there will be a survey posted on this website after the meeting to make sure we get as much input as possible.
Thank you so much for being US! We look forward to seeing you soon!