The Committee Best Practices Work Group’s mission is to build and establish committee best practices through consultation with existing committees with the goal of creating standards for transparency, consistency, openness, inclusive and diverse membership representation and involvement, meeting protocols, and other factors that foster wider participation.
Best Practices is looking for the following experience.
- skills applicable to policy development
- good writing skills
- good research skills
- works well in group settings
- willingness to take on extra tasks of research and writing draft policy when needed
- we are looking for candidates new to committees, experienced on committees and those with experience in diverse communities
Tell us about your fair experience, any OCF or other committee work you are involved in, and your work experience. Depending on the projects, you should be prepared to attend (virtually, in person or by hybrid meetings) one meeting per month (with occasional additional meetings), be available for researching and drafting policies when needed. This is a good way to become involved in the fair.
If this is something you could help with please send a letter of interest or resume to Letters of intent are due by May 15th.