Booth Reg has created the above Google form to request Worker Day Passes. Please use this form to request your passes.

Registration Crew has started allocating worker day passes based on the requests submitted via the request link above. All worker day passes are at least initially being assigned by Reg Crew to food and craft reps. When day passes are assigned to you, you should receive an email from [email protected] with the subject “Oregon Country Fair Inventory Assignment” that says something along the lines of “You have been assigned 1 Worker Day Pass by by OCF Registration Crew (Cashier One).” Our preference is that food and craft reps pick up worker day passes at the Registration Hut on site (see hours below) or email us a request to mail them to you (please put “MAILING REQUEST” in the subject line!). While food and craft reps have the option of unassigning worker day passes from themselves and then re-asssigning them to people on their lists, IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO ASSIGN WORKER DAY PASSES TO INDIVIDUALS/IT’S FINE (AND ENCOURAGED!) FOR REPS TO DISTRIBUTE WORKER DAY PASSES TO YOUR WORKERS. This also makes it easier on your workers—they can arrive on site and go straight to the entrance, and not be delayed by having to pick up their passes at the Sticker Booth (and potentially having to wait in line there). Your workers having their day passes in hand before coming to the site also means they don’t need dragon vouchers to get on site, get on the bus, etc.—their day pass is all they need.

If you for some reason have a need to assign worker day passes to someone on your list instead of distributing them yourself, here’s how you do it:

1. First, make sure that the person or people you want to individually assign day passes to are on the list for your booth, cart, etc. If they are not, you need to add them (just like you added people getting wristbands) using the “Add To Crew” button.

2. Click on your worker day pass #s in the “W” column (under “Miscellaneous”)

3. Make sure your name is selected in the box to the right of “Assign to.” 

4. Enter the # of day passes you need to individually assign in the box near the “Assign” and “Unassign” buttons, then click the “Unassign” button. These day passes will no longer be assigned to you/will temporarily not be assigned to anyone.

5. Now select the name of the person on your list you need to assign day passes to in the box next to “Assign to.”

6. Enter the # of worker day passes you want to assign to this person, then click the “Assign” button.

Repeat as needed to assign worker day passes to other people on your list.

June 8 – July 5
Monday & Tuesday • closed
Wednesday & Thursday • 11am – 4pm
Friday, Saturday & Sunday • 10am – 6pm

July 6 – July 8
Daily • 10am – 8pm
July 9 • closed