The Oregon Country Fair operates with the help of several committees and the dedication of their members. Committees are created and members appointed by the Board of Directors. Some committees are standing entities, meeting all year-round, while others meet only on an as-needed or occasional basis. If you are interested in receiving more information about a particular committee, please e-mail the office and we will pass your inquiry along to the committee members.


Submitting Meeting Materials

Please email all of your meeting minutes and notes to Vanessa Roy at She will post them and send them to the Board. They must be delivered by the Tuesday prior to the monthly Board meeting to be included in the board packet.

Beginning April 1, 2024, all open committee meeting recordings are available for viewing. The button below will take you to Google Drive where the meetings are organized into folders. Each committee has a folder with the Zoom Gallery view of meetings inside labeled by meeting date. Closed meetings are not included.

Current Committees, Work Groups, and Task Forces

The list below includes descriptions and links to addition information and meeting minutes.

    • Archaeology Committee
      The OCF site is home of many important archaeological sites protected by state law. This committee works with the Archaeology Crew to oversee the sites and make sure they are protected.

    • Budget Committee
      This committee meets for several months annually to review operational and capital project budget requests and make recommendations to the Board based on these reviews.

    • Bylaws Committee
      This committee meets periodically to make bylaw change recommendations to the Board of Directors. The Elections Committee meets in the fall to manage the election of the Board of Directors.

    • Craft Committee
      This committee meets monthly to deal with matters related to crafters who sell their work at the Fair.

    • Diversity Committee
      This task force explores ways to celebrate and expand the diverse groups attending and working at the Fair.
    • EDIB Work Group
      This Work Group will review the Oregon Country Fair’s Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB) policies and recommend changes as necessary.

    • Elders Committee
      This committee meets monthly to work on issues of interest to Fair elders. They review applications for Elder status from Fair participants who are at least 55 years of age and have worked at the Fair for at least 20 years.

    • Emerald Ash Borer Task Force
      The Emerald Ash Borer Task Force is working hard to research and communicate with the Fair about the threat of the EAB to the ash trees at the Oregon Country Fair site.

    • Endowment Committee
      This committee meets twice a year to manage disbursements from the OCF Bill Wooten Memorial Endowment Fund which offers grants to schools and arts organizations in the Fern Ridge area.

    • Financial Planning Committee
      This committee meets once a year to set revenue projections and make financial recommendations for Board approval.

    • Fixed Assets Committee
      This committee provides policy and priority oversight and risk management for OCF land, buildings, and equipment.

    • Food Committee
      This committee works on issues related to food vendors at the Fair, including selecting new vendors if space is available.
    • Jill Heiman Vision Fund
      This committee meets annually to review proposals from non-profit organizations requesting funds from our Jill Heiman Vision Fund. These grants are funded by donations from Fair participants and guests.

    • Path Planning Committee
      This committee meets monthly to work on issues related to booth placement and other uses of the Fair site for our three-day event.

    • Personnel Policy Committee
      This committee meets frequently to work with any issues related to our employees, including making hiring recommendations to the Board.

    • Poster Committee
      This committee meets annually to develop the poster for the coming Fair, including selecting the artist and design.

    • Rules Committee
      The Rules Committee is a standing committee whose purpose is to develop and recommend rules and procedures, to be adopted by the Board, for conducting Board meetings.

    • Vision Action Committee – Dissolved
    • Youth Program Development – Culture Jam
      Works on developing programs for youth and overseeing Culture Jam, our week-long summer camp for teenagers