June 8th, 2024 Coordinator Meeting – Photo by Jeremy Running

The Oregon Country Fair depends on the efforts of its many volunteers who offer their skills and services through several working crews. Each crew has a Coordinator that manages the crew’s volunteers to make sure they have all the resources needed to accomplish their designated tasks.

Staff Contacts

Equipment Needs
Please email Mark Malaska at mark@oregoncountryfair.org with your needs.

Please let us know if you have any contracts you need help with and make sure to send all contracts to mark@oregoncountryfair.org .

Volunteers Needed
You can email volunteering@oregoncountryfair.org if you need volunteers, or know someone who wants to volunteer.

Scheduling and Calendar Additions
Email vanessa@oregoncountryfair.org if you need to schedule a meeting and add it to the calendar or if you would like to add information to this page.

Mileage and Expense Reimbursement
The Mileage and Expense Reimbursement forms are linked below. Please fill out the forms and submit them by email to norma@oregoncountryfair.org or bring your reimbursement forms to her office on site or in Eugene.

Inventory questions should be sent to inventoryyurt@oregoncountryfair.org.

Coordinator Forms

Upcoming Meetings and Trainings – This section will be updated in the spring.

******Dates subject to change. We will announce changes, if they occur.***** 

Sunday, June 8th – Coordinator Meeting – Alice’s Fire Pit

Humanistic Intervention Dates

Sunday, June 8th at Dragon Meadow
Time TBD – Pre-Fair Crews
Sunday, June 29th at Dragon Meadow:
10am Return Volunteers
1pm New volunteers   
Thursday, July 10th – 12pm Childcare Staff Only
Thursday, July 10th – 5pm at Blue Moon Stage – Open to anyone who hasn’t completed the training

Training Videos

Humanistic Intervention Online Training Video

Radio Protocol Training Video