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Minutes – September 9th, 2024

Agenda – Review, amend, approve

Membership Comments

Staff Report

  • Executive Director’s Report

Treasurers’ Reports / Budget Items

  • 2023 – 990 & CT-12 Tax Filings

Committees, Work Group Reports

  • Receive all submitted committee reports and approved minutes listed in the agenda as read: 1) Elders Committee 6-12-24; 2) Elders Summary 9-21-24 & 9/26/24 Meetings; 3)Fixed Assets 3-11-24; 4) Fixed Assets 4-8-24.

Please submit all Committee Meeting Minutes in writing by Tuesday the week before the Board meeting. Please only submit approved minutes. Email them to: [email protected] for the .net site and Board Packet.

Old Business

  • Clarify the effective beginning of terms of newly-elected Directors (AJ Jackson, Arna Shaw & Jon Steinhart)
  • Appointment Hannah Min-Minda Mapatis, Hall Stuart-Lovell, Michael coyote Connelly,
    Peter Mohn, and Samira Lobby to the EDIB Work Group (AJ Jackson, Arna Shaw &
    Tom Horn)
  • Approve language, submitted by bylaws committee, to stipulate that the President and
    Vice President must be duly elected board members (AJ Jackson, Arna Shaw & Lisa
  • Pineros Y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste – Northwest Tree Planters &
    Farmworkers United Sponsorship (PCUN) (AJ Jackson, Teresa Vaughn, Kevin
    Levy, Jon Steinhart, Paxton Hoag, Sue Theolass, Lisa Parker, George Braddock
    & Sandra Bauer)

New Business

  • 2024 Election Results/Appoint Officers

Meeting Evaluation â€“ last round for the good of the peach

Next Board Meeting – Monday, November 4th, 2024, 7p via Zoom

President’s Peace